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Are you looking for equine adventures in your community?! 


* Are you ready to be part of the growing Peace Country Horse Club?


* Do you want to build more equine relationships in your community? 


* Are you eager to learn and want to try new things with your horse?


* Are you interested in clinics, horse shows and other learning opportunities in the Peace Region?

Policies and Procedures
Rider Rules and Responsibilities
Grounds Usage Policy: 
Drop in and Open Schooling

Riding Clinics - Clinics take place in a fun and safe atmosphere. Multiple venues including but not limited to indoor arenas, outdoor rings, cross country course & trails, and more. Instructors are available in multiple disciplines and levels depending on you and your horses' interests. If unsure of you or your horse’s ability, contact one of our clinic directors for more information on the different services available and which may suit you best. SPHC Clinic Directors reserve the right to assign riders to appropriate groups, within the hosted clinic. Riders will be assigned to cover clinic duties such as jump crew. Please show respect to the clinicians and other participants by refraining from cellphone use during your lessons. 


Payment Policy - All Clinic fees are to be paid in order to reserve your spot. All required documentation & payment should be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to clinic date. It is the responsibility of the parent/rider to ensure that your clinic fees are in good standing before any lesson occurs. All cheques are to be made out to South Peace Horse Club (SPHC), with rider's name in memo spot. 

Mailing address: P.O. Box 834 GP Main, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 3R5. 

E- Transfers: 

Please include information in memo as to what the funds are for ex: Jul 17-19 clinic & stabling for Jane Doe and Flicka


Arrival Time - In general and when possible, riders and their horses should be ready roughly 15-25 minutes prior to start time. Pairs can begin their own warm up, and do any final personal adjustments required, to ensure riders get to utilize the assigned clinic time to the fullest (except for schooling and drop-ins). 


Equipment - All riders must wear their own approved ASTM/SEI helmets. Riders must wear proper riding footwear:  a hard-soled boot with a strict ½” to 2” heel. Please tie long hair back. Standard riding wear is expected. No tank tops or baggy clothing. Properly fitted Cross Country vests are MANDATORY for all riders going over ANY Cross Country jumps. 


Proper tack for the horse based on the discipline.

All tack MUST be well fitted and should be clean and in good condition for both rider and horse safety. 

Use of any jumping equipment without director or clinician request is prohibited.


Cancellation Policy - If you are unable to make your lesson, we require at least 24 hours notice to notify clinician. Payment will NOT be reimbursed without proof of a Doctor or Veterinary letter of dismissal. If you are unable to attend a day of the clinic and wish to have your horse ridden by a substitute rider, it must be approved by the SPHC Director and Clinician. 


Spectator Policy – Attending spectators are expected to be respectful and keep a courteous manner to all riders and clinicians. Keep in a safe zone during all events and help out if able to. All dogs must remain on leash and under control at all times. 

If you are interested in booking cross country schooling times, please reach out to SPHC President Caitlin Lamb (778-257-3570) to coordinate date & time. Bookings are for a 2 hour duration with a maximum of 5 riders.

At this time, the seasons pass for drop-ins/schooling cost is $50.00 (gst included) per rider. Price subject to change. 

Wednesdays and Clinic weekends are not available for drop in schooling.


Users of South Peace Horse Club grounds are required to comply with the following rules: 


Stadium/Cross Country Jumping/Hacking.

  • SPHC and EGP waiver and paid membership must be signed and paid, before arriving on site.

  • Ensure a SPHC board member has been made aware that you are on site riding. Contacts are listed on our website.

  • Wear their own approved ASTM/SEI helmets

  • Wear proper riding footwear – a hard-soled boot with a ½”  to 2’’ heel.

  • Tie long hair back. 

  • No tank tops or baggy clothing NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Properly sized safety vests are mandatory to participate in any Cross-Country jumping.

  • Proper tack for the horse based on the discipline. All tack MUST be well fitted and should be clean and in good condition.

  • All riders under 18 are always required to have an insured coach or adult with them.

  • All riding groups require a designated grounds person, in case of emergency.

  • Cross country obstacles are open for schooling at rider/coach discretion. These fences are solid. We ask that riders make safe and responsible choices based on their knowledge and experience. 

  • SPHC must pay to use the riding arenas and cross-country course at EGP. Please do not ride in the upper riding arenas or cross-country course, unless the club has them rented. If you would like to rent them, please contact Club President for rental information. Two-week notice is required for any bookings with EGP.

  • NOTE: We do not have access to powerline or infield area during Stompede or Race Meet months (Mid May-August 31st). We are limited to the water jump and upper ring areas. There is NO access through EGP main entrance. Please use north yellow gate by PARDS, Powerline parking is allowed only on the North end do not park on the side that there is campsites.

Failure to comply with any of the above rules or using facilities when not rented, rider(s) may be subjected to fines and/or suspension from SPHC activities for a determined amount of time.

Bylaws and Societies Act


Mailing Address: 

Box 834 GP Main Grande Prairie, AB T8V 3R5

©2024 by South Peace Horse Club All Rights Reserved

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